Handcrafted Design using my Canon Mark ll 1DX and light-room .
Photographer and filmmaker. Lover of travel and good stories. Current residing in New York, Running a self -titled channel for the private service and hospitality industry. Follow me for more details on how to apply.

Ronnie Prassas Creativity
Thanks for checking out some of my photos that I recently uploaded.
Most of my photos are currently taken here in NYC and it’s a gorgeous city. Super blessed to be living here and building my career. I started to taking phots back when I was living in Florida and enjoyed sharing my creativity with my followers and friends.
I do not make money on photography and only do it for a hobby.
My career is private service, but its a fun way yo express my eye.
Let me know if you have any questions about my camera equipment for want to collaborate on a photoshoot. Always open to meeting like minded individuals here in NYC.
I am recently partnering up with a creative team on building a YouTube Channel. Hoped I can expand my network and share my career with more people and hopefully inspire them to follow their dreams.